Body Language communication in the 21st century

August 2,2022

Mental Health

What is body language in communication?

Communication is the exchanging of information. There are verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. We are more familiar with verbal forms of communication. The writing and speaking we do every day are examples of a verbal form of communication. On the other hand, facial expressions are an example of non-verbal body language communication. Other examples of body language communication include body posture, eye movement, gestures, use of space and touch. Although both humans and animals have expertise in using body language to communicate, this article will focus on the transmission and interpretation of body language among human beings.

Even though body language occupies a major share of all our transmitted information, we are not consciously aware of the information that we transmit. For example, tapping the foot or biting nails at nervous junctures are unconscious non-verbal forms of body language communication. By understanding how communication takes place through body language meaning, we can become better communicators. 

Body language can be considered a distinct non-verbal language such as universal sign language. But, it lacks many of the properties of sign language, such as universality. Many of the body language communication gestures are different throughout cultures. Still, we received many universal gestures during evolution that are universal. The expressions of smile, laughter and weeping are all universal body language communication gesture examples.

Linguistic researchers argue that non-verbal body language communication amounts to most information transmitted during a person-to-person conversation. Even as a complementary part to the verbal conversation.

Body language and its meaning directly impact a person's career and future. One will be judged based on his body language and its meaning. 

Now let us have a look at different types of body language communication.

Physical Expressions

Facial Expression:

The most apparent communication of thoughts would be through facial expressions. A person's mood or attitude can be deciphered from his body language. These signs involve the lips, eyes, cheeks, eyebrows, and nose muscles. However, all expressions and micro-expressions are subjective to the particular context of communication. 

Biting teeth indicates hostility and readiness to fight. This is a body language gesture with an aggressive body language meaning.

Pursed lips are another facial expression. Body language, the meaning of pursed lips, is disapproval of something. This body language meaning of pursed lips makes it a negative body language communication. Considering the body language meaning of pursed lips, it is better to avoid it on formal occasions.

Licking lips is another common facial expression. Licking lips' body language means a desire for something. In some situations,' the licking lips' body language shifts to fear of something or tension. Considering what the licking lips' body language means, it is better not to have this expression, as it always points to a weakness of some kind.

Neck and Head signs:

Body language communication gestures related to the neck and head have great importance. The neck and head are behind some of the most important gestures in our day-to-day life. 

Nodding is an example of a neck and head gesture. A single forward nod is a token of approval or a "yes". While a head shake, which is moving the neck from one side to the other, is a sign of disapproval or 'no'. Further, the vigour and succession of movement may signify the strength of disapproval. In Asian cultures, the forward nod is often extended to a bend. It is a sign of respect in the South East Asian countries. In the Indian context, the sign of approval and disapproval is a 'head bobble'. It can only be interpreted contextually.

The neck and the head are also crucial in denoting power relations, as lowering one's eyes followed by the lowering of one's neck could denote submission, while at the same time, raising an individual's head and eyes from a previously lowered position may indicate rising interest and approval of what the speaker has to convey.

Body Language communication

Body Posture:

Body postures portray one's emotions. Deciphering body postures is the easiest way to understand a person's emotions. Widened shoulders while a person is angry is an example of body language communication through body posture.

Posture includes seated and standing positions. As an example for sitting positions, the interested individuals would lean forward in their chairs and nod their heads in response to the discussion. The disinterested individuals would be sitting with their folded hands and crossed legs, impatient foot-stamping, sitting on the edge of a chair, and occasionally looking at their watch or phone.

While standing, pointing the elbows out with hands-on-hips and feet toward the speaker is a sign of showing interest in a conversation. The 'hands at the hips pose' is also known as the 'superman pose. Here the palm is fisted, and elbows are facing inwards. This symbolises a male's attraction to a female.

The ones mentioned above are all body language in communication examples.

Symbolic Gestures:

Symbolic gestures are generally movements made with any part of the body. They automatically create visual signifiers that result in the transmission of meaning. For example, crossing one's hand while another person is speaking signifies that the listener has already made up their mind and is not receptive to what the speaker says. A simple modification to this gesture, such as crossing one hand with the other in a manner of a tight self-hug, shows signs of vulnerability or the absence of confidence.

According to body language and communication research by Allan Pease, the Australian body language expert, hunching one's shoulder is a universal sign of conveying helplessness. It either means that the person did not comprehend what was being spoken. Usually, the display of open palms accompanies the hunched shoulder gesture.

The nature in which hands are resting are also signs of a person's state of mind. While relaxed hands signify self-assurance and confidence, clenched palms indicate anger and unsettling thoughts lurking in the back of their minds.

Symbolic gestures can be made with fingers as well. Pointing the index finger denotes direction, as the term 'index' itself means indication. Pointing an index finger directed toward a person can be a sign of accusing them while pointing the thumb upwards, or the common 'thumbs up is a gesture to signify that everything is alright.


Shaking another person's hand is an important body language communication gesture greeting them. Apart from a greeting, handshakes denote a congratulatory gesture or an agreement to close a deal. Handshakes can covey power relations and varying confidence levels when understood about eye contact and grip. 

A firm yet courteous handshake is an essential part of business meetings. It will strengthen the trust between the two. The handshake as a technique of establishing confidence stretches back to ancient stone-age humans. They used it to communicate that they did not possess any weapons.


Breathing indicates an individual's mental and physical status. A relaxed person would have a composed breathing pattern. In contrast, quicker, shallow breaths with erratic intervals could indicate nervousness or anxiety. Breathing also signifies a sense of readiness, since people take a strong deep breath the instant just before they take an important action, such as signing a business document, diving into a pool from a longboard or any action which may be important in the sense that it might have an inherent risk.

Miscellaneous physical movements

There are many other ways to use body language in communication in our day-to-day life. Simple gestures can have a severe impact as the gestures sprout from innate ideas of association. For example, children cover their mouths after they lie. Covering one's mouth or bringing one's palm to the general area of the lips during a conversation could be a subconscious act of covering up a lie, as the gesture remains dormant in individuals.


An individual's attitude can be transformed by altering his use of body language in communication. Interviewees adopting a formal character is an example of this. 


In any team sport, one team can always assess the readiness of another team. This readiness is not simply the physical capability or competency to participate in the sport. 

Body language conveys such readiness of one's body by influencing their breathing, tone, and attitude. Increased heart rate, deeper breathing pattern, higher blood flow etc., are all characteristics of a state of readiness. 

Applications of body language

Studying body language communication has several benefits. The conscious harnessing of body language could lead to selective communication while socialising, which means that an individual can transmit the exact information they want, leading to seamless communication, better comprehension and the ability to associate favourably with more people. 

Understanding the body language meaning is the most important part of body language communication. Once a person understands body language, he will be able to produce body language gestures and understand the gestures of others.

Body language communication has been an important tool in teaching, especially in the instructional field of teachings, such as in acquiring a second language or substituting for a verbal medium in the case of aphasia or deafness. It has also enhanced mathematics teaching since an informal, friendly attitude on behalf of the teacher reduces anxiety and fear of such subjects. These gestures are also useful when communicating with foreign speakers who do not understand one's language.

It may look like body language's importance in communication is decreasing in the 21st century with the progress in science and technology. But, it is the opposite; science and technology developments have helped us study body language communication deeper. Now, we have learned to use it more effectively than ever before. The knowledge we have acquired in this field is helping detectives solve cases, business mentor closes better deals, and teachers teach their students more effectively.

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