Easy steps to become a professional Palmist

February 16,2020

Religion And Spirituality

Easy steps to become a professional Palmist

Once you decide to learn palmistry and become a professional, the first thing to do is to choose the best the source of knowledge, who can teach you, which book to depend on, etc. It is better to choose one and depend on that alone.  It is advisable and wise to not depend on many sources as this will lead to severe confusion.

  1. Once you have decided on the source, the next thing to do is to write down all your learning in a comparatively large manuscript book.   You should write only on one side of the book. After a few days, say a week,  keep observing every hand that you meet.  It will be good if you could take a detailed impression of their hand and if possible draw it out.  Now paste these outlines on the other side of the book where you have written your learning. Now observe the outline of the hand and write your findings of the hand precisely. Just those things what you have learned in detail.
  2. Do the things gradually, but do not lag so much.  Palmistry is not something you can learn within a small time.  You should be very careful with each of the point. You should have a complete presence of mind. If done with complete presence of mind, it will help you to improve the observing power, analyzing, expressing, the methodology and judgment through palmistry.
  3. While learning palmistry, you should at first learn the outer palms, not the lines. Most of the people do not take the effort to learn the outer palm. They soon enter to the lines, which is not a scientific way.   Initially, you will have to study the boundaries and size of the hands.  Only after studying about 100’s of hands for a long period of time, say for months, only then will you be able to improve. After this study only, you will be able to get to the study of lines of the hands.  This will help you to be precise in your findings. If you are sincere about your study, you will stick on to these norms.
  4. While communicating or writing down your findings be sure of the words which you use. Use only those words which you are sure about the meaning.  Also once you say something you should stick to it and should not change.  No words should be ambiguous.

Once you have decided to do the study be sure of your  terms ad do not dare to change at any cost

  1. Another most important thing and one of the primary rule of palmistry is that each and every sign in palmistry is relevant and has got its town meaning.  Also, that sign will have that meaning only. There may be some understandings in relation to other signs. But one as such will have one meaning only.  No sign will have two meanings.  No meanings will be altered at any circumstances.
  2. People will see you as a person of respect and one with moral values.  You should try to stick to these values.  You should be aware that you are entrusted with great responsibility and you ought to have much knowledge. You will be providing them with information for which you are fully credible too.  You should not bother the awkward attitude of the not-so-serious people towards you. You should be yourself and keep your values. Moreover, you yourself should be confident about your activity how good and wort it is.
  3. Be careful about the growth of the line to understand the direction and the impact of the direction.
  4. Keep away fro directly telling the misfortunes like death etc. However, you can give them clues and let them know about it in a mild way.  It is alright to mention it lightly, in way that it does not hurt the person hearing.  You can get rid of the subject if it is for some good cause.

It is always a good idea to not touch the hands of the subject. This is because you can read and grasp out a  lot of things from the natural way the hands and fingers are positioned. Even though you have noticed these things, do not tell about them as they have to be confirmed with other things before reaching on conclusions.  The systematic way is to move from the joints to the palm. The front side of the palm also shows various signs. Once you are done with the back side of the palm, ask the person to turn their hands themselves. Closely observe how the thumb and other fingers and the palm itself falls. Once they turn the palm touch it just for one time to check the hardness. This will help you to give conclusions on the temper of the person, the energy possessed and the order. Later you can observe the space in between the fingers, the thumbs and each of the fingers closely.  Draw conclusions carefully. Reveal only those learning which you are pretty sure and confident about.

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