The path to becoming a CBT therapist

November 20,2019

Mental Health

The path to becoming a CBT therapist

As of 2019, one in four people in the UK are believed to be struggling with mental illness, and the increasing instances of people reporting self-harm and suicidal testify to this fact. Common factors triggering depression appear to be domestic troubles, bullying at school (among children and young adults) and academic pressure. But the elderly are also vulnerable to this condition, 25% of people above the age of 65 reportedly suffering from depression.

One of the many ways by which depression can be treated is through Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), a method of treatment that is focused on figuring out practical solutions to problems. CBT involves one-on-one sessions with a therapist where cycles of negative thinking are broken by splitting them into smaller manageable pieces. Through these sessions, the patient gets to explore the connection between thoughts, emotions, actions and situations.

CBT is a way by which people suffering from depression and similar ailments are empowered to solve their problems independently. Treatment sessions are tailored to suit the needs of different individuals.

If you’re interested in becoming a CBT therapist, you can do so through a distance learning course. CBT is generally ideal for counsellors looking to expand their range of services, or if you’re in a job where an understanding of talking therapy would benefit you, if you want to help someone dear to you in a personal capacity or simply if you’re new to the field and are interested in becoming a CBT therapist. A training in CBT will empower you with the necessary skills to support people across varying age groups.

CBT for the young

The increasing instances of depression among the young are linked to increasing social pressure and usage of internet. Anxiety disorders are beginning to show in children as young as three years, and early intervention is crucial to fixing this. CBT is a much healthy alternative to prescribing medication, instead giving them the strength to handle stress or cope with failure.

CBT for the elderly

Not just the young, CBT can be helpful to cure depressive symptoms among the elderly as well. The methods of treatment might differ slightly though, because the health of the patient will also have to be taken into consideration. Also the cognitive conditions vary as people get older, so a therapist must adjust his method accordingly, not to mention symptoms of dementia. Group therapy is a method that works when dealing with elderly people, since it brings the added benefit of social interaction.

Technology and CBT

Findings of recent research suggest that CBT, when combined with technology, can bring about improvements in the state of patients. One study claimed that CBT sessions held through mobile phones could treat mild insomnia. With the opening of further lines of communication in the technological sphere, there is rampant progress in the way CBT is helping people cope with mental health issues.

All it takes to be a good CBT therapist is to have a passion to help people in distress, and a CBT training course will get you there.

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