Time Management Skills Required For Every Manger

November 18,2019

Lifestyle And Beauty

Time Management Skills Required For Every Manger

In a company or organisation, a manager has to oversee its departments, employees and all other sectors, earn profit, follow the ethics and contribute other significant responsibilities, for the success of the company. Being a manger for the first time is somehow tough and unmanageable. Sometimes, they are often pulled to many directions and the to-do list seldom ends.

Experience is a quintessential factor for managing a company. A manger has to learn how to handle different situations, other than being the head of different sectors.

But how do a successful management criteria work and what is one of the basic requirements for managing a company other than experience. To answer, definitely we have to focus on ‘successful time management’. The managers learn to handle different responsibilities by experiencing and learning to balance the time between different works. Once they go parallel with the scheduled time, the works get easy. Moreover, the employees also learn to manage the time and therefore, they feel comfortable with their work.

Lack of time management results in missing deadlines, discontented clients, and even more overtime costs. While the managers practice to flow with the time, they should also teach their employees to follow the same.

Plan and set goals

The works in a company is drawn from certain plans and goals. There will be daily, weekly and monthly goals. What a manger has to do is, to work with the employees, schedule timeline for each goal and divide the goals into small, possible assignments. Ensure providing your employees with online calendars, to-do list, project management programmes for making the work easier.


Train your employees to focus on customer urgency and benefits, and then prioritize the responsibilities they need for it. Also, ask them to emphasise on highest priority works and start working on it. This important process needs effective communication for ensuring that company goals move along with these priorities.


Every minute is valuable and precious. Any minutes lost due to misplaced document or tool is the minute that could be used for finishing a task. To ensure maximum efficiency, focus the significance of organised work team.


Like organising, evaluate procedures and processes regularly to maximise efficiency. Here, the managers should keep regular discussions and contacts with the employees to know their insight for more efficient ways of working.


Right tasks should be assigned to right people. Assigning a task is not the same as delegating. There is always something more in delegating tasks because, it explains responsibilities deeply, makes the managers to work with their employees to make a plan for finishing the task. By delegating the works, a manager should examine the progress of the work and provide the employees with necessary resources and supports to catch the assigned goals. Moreover, if you have already done the job earlier, share the knowledge you got from it. This will be more beneficial for moving the work.

Spend time on unpleasant works

Sometimes, people may become delay over work, especially when an undesirable or difficult assignment comes in. Being procrastinate is really a human nature. To keep your employees focused on the work, divide large assignments into smaller units and then schedule fixed time (like the starting period of the office hours) for less pleasant or larger works. By doing this, you can get a bit more comfortable feel, while working with less pleasant tasks.

Manage communications

It is often distracting for the busy employees battling with deadlines to reply for emails and phone calls. Here, ensure proper guidelines for replying to these communications. For instance, if employees are on tight deadline, tell them to respond to the most urgent communications by checking emails and voice mails at certain intervals.

Avoid interruptions

You can avoid interruptions by scheduling important duties for few hours of your work day, especially when the disruptions are few. If an employee comes first in the office, he can use this part of the time to do the works, which need more concentration and hardwork. Also, ensure to remind the employees that interruptions are bound to happen and in planning matters, allow extra time in case of unexpected interruption

Arrange tasks for peak performance

When workers are at the peak of performance, schedule about demanding works mentally or physically. This may vary according to each employee. During this peak time, encourage them to focus on important or bigger projects, and consider while they feel more energetic.

Ensure balanced workflow

Although your employees manage the time well, during work, they may sometimes lack energy or feel stressed and makes them not to perform well. In this case, provide your employees with daily intervals, rest breaks throughout the day and be conscious about rest break, and applicable meal requirements. Also ensure giving them wellness program for encouraging good healthy habits. Encourage them to use their vacation too.

For the working of successful business, effective management of time is essential, especially for the new managers with multiple responsibilities. A manager should work with the employees, provide them training on managing time and ensure tools required for their best performance.

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