Horse Welfare is Top Priority in UK Racing

April 18,2024

Farming And Animal Care

Horse Welfare: Top Priority in British Racing 

In British racing, the safety and well-being of Thoroughbred horses across England, Scotland, and Wales are of utmost importance. Over 6,000 dedicated individuals, with genuine passion for both horses and the sport, provide daily care for Britain's 20,000+ racehorses. These horses enjoy a high standard of care throughout their racing lives and beyond. 

To further elevate equine care, British Racing has made substantial investments exceeding £47 million over the past 20 years in veterinary research and education. These efforts benefit not just Thoroughbreds, but all horse breeds within Britain. Moreover, a career in racing sets horses up for success later in life. Their excellent health, combined with their athleticism and adaptability, makes them highly sought-after for fulfilling second careers in equestrian pursuits. 

Naturally, like any activity involving animals, horse racing carries some inherent risk. However, these risks are carefully managed and remarkably low in comparison to the significant benefits that racing provides for horses and the people involved in the sport. 

A Closer Look at Equine Welfare in British Racing 

Governing Welfare Standards

The British Horseracing Authority (BHA) sets strict welfare standards that all racing participants must follow. These standards are woven into race regulations, education for those involved in the sport, licensing procedures, and disciplinary actions. The BHA's enforcement of these standards positions British racing as one of the most highly regulated animal activities in the world. 

Race Day Welfare Focus

An entire team of BHA professionals works to ensure the health and well-being of every participant on race day. This includes not only the horses, but also jockeys, stewards, and integrity officers. More specifically, BHA Veterinary Officers are present to: 

Uphold the sport's unwavering welfare standards 

Lead the team of racecourse-employed veterinary surgeons 

Conduct comprehensive pre-and post-race checks to ensure each horse is healthy and fit to compete, as well as administering any necessary tests 

Welfare Beyond The Track

A "Life Well-Lived" The Horse Welfare Board, an independent body within British racing, spearheads a five-year strategic plan dedicated to the well-being of racehorses. This comprehensive plan encompasses 26 initiatives aimed at continuous improvement across all facets of racehorse welfare. With significant funding from the Racing Foundation and continued support from the Horserace Betting Levy Board, 21 of these projects are currently underway. 

Safety as a Cornerstone

The BHA and all those in the racing community work tirelessly to minimize risks to horses in the sport. They strive to prevent any injury or fatality that could have been avoided. While British Racing already boasts a strong safety record, improvement is a constant goal. Investments in welfare research, education, and innovation drive this progress. 

Caring for the Whole Horse

British Racing takes a holistic approach, ensuring horses are cared for throughout their entire lives. This begins with the mandatory microchipping and registration of foals within days of birth and continues through Retraining of Racehorses (RoR). RoR, the sport's own charity, focuses on developing sustainable solutions that create demand for retired racehorses, enabling them to thrive in new equestrian disciplines. 

Ensuring Safe Racecourses 

British racing tracks are designed and maintained with equine safety at the forefront. Several key features enhance horse safety during races: 

Considerate Course Design: Tracks are carefully designed to minimize risks. For example, during the redevelopment of Ascot Racecourse, bends were re-profiled and road crossings removed to create a safer course. Additionally, modern track rails prioritize safety with designs that lessen the impact of collisions. 

Swift Veterinary Response: At each race meeting, specialized equine veterinarians are on-site, dedicated to ensuring the well-being of every horse. Throughout a race, vets closely follow the horses by car, often able to reach any incident within minutes – a response time comparable to that of paramedics who care for jockeys. 

Dedicated Resources: Racecourses always have several equine ambulances on standby, ready to respond if needed. Additionally, a team of horse catchers assists in safely recovering any loose horse. 

Horse welfare

The Importance of Data and Research 

British Racing recognizes the power of data and research in improving safety and welfare. To guide their efforts, the BHA carefully collects and analyzes race data. This data allows them to: 

Identify Risk Factors: By pinpointing patterns and trends, areas with potential for higher risk emerge. This information allows for targeted safety improvements. 

Proactive Risk Mitigation: The insights gained from data analysis enable the BHA to take proactive steps. They can implement changes on racecourses, modify training methods, or adjust procedures to prevent future injuries. 

Investing in Innovation: Driven by data-backed solutions, British Racing invests in research and technologies centered on horse safety. One such initiative focuses on Equine Vision, a project aimed at understanding how horses visually perceive their environment during racing, which could lead to further course design optimization. 

Welfare Beyond Racing 

Fulfilling Second Careers: The athleticism, discipline, and good health cultivated during a racehorse's career make them exceptional candidates for a vast array of equestrian disciplines after retirement. Organizations like Retraining of Racehorses (RoR) are crucial in showcasing their versatility and finding fulfilling second careers for these remarkable animals. 

A Community Effort: Racehorse rehoming and retraining is not solely the responsibility of charities. The racing community works together to promote retired racehorses. From trainers incorporating retraining into their programs to owners finding suitable new homes for their horses, there's a collective commitment to securing bright futures for these retired athletes. 

The Role of Education 

British Racing believes that education plays a crucial role in safeguarding racehorse welfare. They offer a variety of educational and training programs: 

Jockey Training: Jockeys undergo rigorous training and licensing, which includes education on equine welfare and how their actions can impact racehorses. Programs like the British Racing School and the National Horseracing College provide this essential training for aspiring jockeys. 

Stable Staff Expertise: The thousands of dedicated stable staff who care for racehorses are highly qualified and must complete a thorough training program mandated by the BHA. This comprehensive training equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary for the optimal care and management of these equine athletes. 

Continuous Learning: British Racing encourages a culture of ongoing education. Trainers, veterinary surgeons, and other racing professionals regularly attend workshops, seminars, and continuing education courses to stay up-to-date on the latest advancements and best practices for maintaining impeccable equine welfare. 

Public Outreach: Educational initiatives extend beyond the racing community. They include school visits, stable yard tours, and open days at racecourses to educate the public and foster greater appreciation for racehorses. 

Welfare in the Wider Equine Community 

While British Racing maintains a strong focus on the Thoroughbred breed, their commitment to animal welfare extends to horses across all disciplines. Here are some ways they contribute to equine welfare in general: 

Research Benefits: The extensive research funded by British Racing has yielded knowledge that benefits horses far beyond the racetrack. Advances in veterinary medicine and the understanding of equine behavior have positively impacted the lives of horses across the equestrian world. 

Knowledge Sharing: British Racing collaborates with other equine organizations, sharing resources and best practices to improve welfare for all horses. They recognize the value of working together across equestrian disciplines for the greater good of these animals. 

The Power of Influence: As leaders in professional equestrian sport, British Racing uses its platform to promote responsible horse ownership and advocate for high welfare standards for all horses. 

Challenges and Looking Ahead 

Despite the commendable progress made, British Racing remains mindful of the constant need for improvement and is prepared to meet any challenges. These include: 

Scrutiny and Perception: Horseracing faces ongoing scrutiny from animal welfare groups and the public eye. They maintain transparency in their efforts to demonstrate their genuine commitment to equine welfare and to address any valid concerns. 

Evolving Understanding: As scientific research and knowledge surrounding equine needs progress, British Racing adapts their welfare standards and procedures accordingly to ensure they always reflect the best available understanding of how to care for their horses. 

Funding: While significant investment has been made, continued financial support is essential to drive sustainable advancements in research and implementation of welfare initiatives. 

A Future Focused on Welfare 

British Racing remains steadfast in its commitment to the long-term well-being of every Thoroughbred involved in the sport. They approach this responsibility with a combination of pride in their achievements and a resolve to continuously strive for improvement. 

Accountability and Transparency: British Racing recognizes the importance of public trust. They openly share information about equine welfare efforts, statistics on racehorse injuries and fatalities, and outcomes of investigations. This transparency fosters accountability and demonstrates a willingness to address any concerns head-on. 

Collaboration for Progress: The BHA works alongside animal welfare organizations, such as the RSPCA and World Horse Welfare, through the National Equine Welfare Protocol. This collaboration allows for an exchange of ideas, shared expertise, and coordinated efforts to ensure the highest possible welfare standards for horses across the UK. 

A Global Perspective: British Racing actively participates in international discussions on horse welfare. They learn from successes and challenges within other racing jurisdictions, contributing insights from their own experiences to benefit the global racing community. 

In Conclusion 

The safety and well-being of Thoroughbred racehorses is, and will remain, the highest priority within British Racing. From dedicated daily care to long-term planning for fulfilling second careers, every stage of a racehorse's life is valued and protected. British Racing has made substantial progress in minimizing risks, providing world-class veterinary attention, and ensuring horses enjoy a high quality of life. Yet, the commitment to further advancement remains unwavering. Guided by research, collaboration, and a genuine love for horses, British Racing continues to shape the future of the sport, where equine welfare is always at the forefront. 

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