The Ascent and Controversies of Mohammed bin Salman

August 21,2024

Arts And Humanities

MBS: The Ascent of a Saudi Powerhouse 

In the waning days of January 2015, as King Abdullah's health waned, the Saudi royal court buzzed with anticipation. The impending succession of his half-brother, Salman, and the growing influence of Salman's favoured son, Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), hinted at a seismic shift in the kingdom's power dynamics. MBS, then a youthful 29, harboured ambitions that far exceeded his years. He dreamt of a Saudi Arabia unshackled from its reliance on oil, a nation that would command respect on the global stage. 

One fateful midnight, MBS summoned Saad al-Jabri, a high-ranking security official, to a clandestine meeting. Al-Jabri, known for his close ties to Western intelligence agencies, was a man whose loyalty MBS sought to secure. To ensure utmost privacy, mobile phones were confiscated, and even the landline was disconnected, leaving the two men alone in a room devoid of electronic surveillance. 

A Vision Unveiled 

In this hushed setting, MBS laid out his audacious plans. He spoke of transforming Saudi Arabia into a modern, diversified economy, fueled by investments in technology and a dynamic workforce. He envisioned selling a stake in Aramco, the state-owned oil giant, to fund these ambitious ventures. He spoke of empowering women, creating millions of jobs, and catapulting the kingdom into the 21st century. 

Jabri, taken aback by the sheer audacity of MBS's vision, inquired about the extent of his ambitions. MBS's reply was both simple and audacious: "Have you heard of Alexander the Great?" 

Mohammed bin Salman

A Portrait in Contradictions 

This clandestine meeting, shrouded in secrecy, offers a glimpse into the complex and often contradictory nature of MBS, a man who has both captivated and confounded the world. Through extensive interviews with those who know him, a portrait emerges of a leader driven by an unyielding desire to reshape his kingdom's destiny. 

MBS's ascent to power has been marked by bold initiatives and controversial decisions. He has championed social reforms, granting women the right to drive and opening up the entertainment sector. He has also launched an aggressive foreign policy, including the devastating war in Yemen and the blockade of Qatar. 

The 2018 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, allegedly orchestrated by Saudi agents close to MBS, cast a long shadow over his reign. The incident sparked international outrage and condemnation, raising questions about MBS's commitment to human rights and the rule of law. 

A Man on a Mission 

At 37, MBS stands as the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam and a key player in the global energy market. With his father, King Salman, now 87, MBS's reign could span decades. He has already set in motion many of the transformative plans he confided to Jabri that fateful night, but his rule has also been marred by controversy and repression. 

As MBS navigates the complexities of leading a kingdom steeped in tradition yet yearning for modernity, the world watches with bated breath. His decisions will shape not only the future of Saudi Arabia but also the broader Middle East and the global community. 

The Making of a Monarch: A Complex Tapestry 

To comprehend the enigmatic figure of MBS, one must trace his journey from relative obscurity to the apex of power. Unlike his predecessors, who were groomed for leadership from a young age, MBS's ascent was swift and unexpected. Western intelligence agencies, accustomed to scrutinizing the intricate web of Saudi royal politics, initially overlooked him. 

Sir John Sawers, former chief of MI6, recalls, "He grew up in relative obscurity. He wasn't earmarked to rise to power." 

MBS's upbringing within the privileged confines of the royal family exposed him to a world where power often trumped accountability. This environment, some argue, may have shaped his leadership style, characterized by a willingness to take risks and a disregard for conventional norms. 

A Prince with a Reputation 

Even as a young man, MBS was known for his assertiveness and ambition. Stories abound of his youthful exploits, including an alleged incident where he sent a bullet in the post to a judge who had ruled against him in a land dispute. Whether true or apocryphal, these tales paint a picture of a prince who was not afraid to assert his authority. 

Sir John Jenkins, former British ambassador to Saudi Arabia, notes, "He has had a certain ruthlessness. He doesn't like to be crossed. But that also means he's been able to drive through changes that no other Saudi leader has been able to do." 

Mohammed bin Salman

A Father's Frailty, a Son's Ascent 

MBS's rise to prominence coincided with the declining health of his father, King Salman. As the king's cognitive abilities reportedly waned, MBS emerged as his trusted advisor, wielding increasing influence over the kingdom's affairs. 

Diplomats who met with the king and prince during this period recall MBS's subtle yet assertive presence. He would discreetly type notes on an iPad, seemingly prompting his father during conversations. This dynamic fueled speculation about the extent of MBS's control over the aging monarch. 

Impatience and Ambition 

MBS's impatience to assume the reins of power was evident. Some reports even suggest that he contemplated drastic measures to hasten his ascension. Saad al-Jabri, a former senior Saudi security official, claims to have seen a surveillance video of MBS discussing a plot to assassinate his uncle, the then-King Abdullah. 

While the veracity of these claims remains uncertain, they underscore MBS's ambition and his willingness to challenge the established order. When King Abdullah died of natural causes in 2015, MBS's moment had arrived. 

The War in Yemen: A Defining Moment 

Shortly after his father's accession to the throne, MBS, then defense minister, launched a military intervention in Yemen. The conflict, ostensibly aimed at countering Iranian influence, quickly escalated into a humanitarian catastrophe. Millions were displaced, and the country teetered on the brink of famine. 

The war in Yemen exposed the darker side of MBS's leadership. His willingness to pursue his objectives, even at the cost of immense human suffering, drew international condemnation. Yet, it also solidified his image as a decisive leader, unafraid to defy Western powers and chart his own course. 

The conflict in Yemen remains a stain on MBS's record, a stark reminder of the human cost of his ambition. It also serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of accountability in leadership. 

A Vision for the Future: Modernization and Controversy 

The war in Yemen, while a humanitarian disaster, also served as a catalyst for MBS's ambitious plans to transform Saudi Arabia. He recognized the kingdom's overreliance on oil and sought to diversify its economy, attract foreign investment, and create a vibrant private sector. 

His Vision 2030 plan, unveiled in 2016, outlined a roadmap for this transformation. It envisioned a Saudi Arabia where technology, tourism, and entertainment would play a pivotal role. MBS sought to open up the kingdom to the world, attracting businesses and tourists alike. 

Social Reforms and Cultural Shifts 

MBS's reform agenda extended beyond the economy. He spearheaded a series of social changes that were once unthinkable in the conservative kingdom. Women were granted the right to drive, cinemas reopened after decades of closure, and concerts and festivals became commonplace. 

These reforms, while welcomed by many, also sparked resistance from conservative elements within Saudi society. Some viewed them as a threat to traditional values and religious norms. MBS's crackdown on dissent, including the arrest of prominent clerics and activists, further fueled concerns about the erosion of civil liberties. 

The Khashoggi Affair: A Turning Point 

The 2018 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul marked a turning point in MBS's reign. The brutal killing, allegedly carried out by Saudi agents close to the crown prince, sent shockwaves around the world. It exposed the dark underbelly of MBS's rule, highlighting the lengths to which he was willing to go to silence his critics. 

The incident strained Saudi Arabia's relations with Western allies and tarnished MBS's image as a reformer. It also raised questions about the true nature of his leadership and the limits of his power. 

A Leader Under Scrutiny 

In the aftermath of the Khashoggi affair, MBS faced intense international scrutiny. Calls for accountability grew louder, and his once-glowing reputation as a modernizer was tarnished. The incident served as a stark reminder that progress and reform often come at a cost. 

MBS's response to the crisis was characteristically defiant. He denied any involvement in the killing, blaming it on rogue agents. However, a declassified U.S. intelligence report concluded that he likely approved the operation. 

The Khashoggi murder continues to haunt MBS's legacy. It serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of upholding human rights, even in the pursuit of national interests. 

A Kingdom in Transition 

Despite the controversies and challenges, MBS remains committed to his vision for Saudi Arabia. He continues to push forward with his ambitious reform agenda, seeking to transform the kingdom into a modern, diversified economy. 

The road ahead is fraught with uncertainty. MBS must navigate a complex geopolitical landscape, balance the demands of a rapidly changing society, and address the lingering scars of past conflicts. His success or failure will depend on his ability to learn from his mistakes, listen to dissenting voices, and prioritize the well-being of his people. 

As the world watches, MBS stands at a crossroads. He has the potential to be a transformative leader, one who ushers in a new era of prosperity and openness for Saudi Arabia. But he also risks becoming an autocrat, consumed by power and blinded by ambition. The choices he makes in the coming years will shape not only the future of his kingdom but also his own legacy. 

The Price of Power: A Kingdom Transformed 

MBS's unwavering pursuit of his vision for Saudi Arabia has undeniably ushered in a wave of transformation. The kingdom, once steeped in tradition, is undergoing a metamorphosis of unprecedented scale. Social norms are evolving, women are experiencing newfound freedoms, and the economy is gradually shedding its reliance on oil. 

A Social Awakening 

One of the most striking changes has been the easing of social restrictions. Women, once confined to the backseat, are now taking the wheel, literally and figuratively. They are entering the workforce in greater numbers, attending sporting events, and participating in public life in ways that were once unimaginable. Cinemas, shuttered for decades, have reopened their doors, and a vibrant entertainment scene is emerging. 

These reforms, while celebrated by many, have also encountered resistance from conservative quarters. Some view them as an erosion of traditional values, a threat to the social fabric of the kingdom. MBS's crackdown on dissent, including the detention of prominent clerics and activists, has further fueled concerns about the limits of his tolerance for opposing viewpoints. 

Economic Diversification: Vision 2030 

MBS's ambitious economic reform program, Vision 2030, aims to wean the kingdom off its dependence on oil. It envisions a future where technology, tourism, and renewable energy play a pivotal role. Mega-projects like NEOM, a futuristic city planned for the Red Sea coast, and the Qiddiya entertainment complex, are testament to MBS's grand ambitions. 

However, the path to economic diversification is fraught with challenges. High unemployment rates, particularly among the youth, persist. The private sector remains underdeveloped, and concerns about corruption and cronyism linger. The success of Vision 2030 hinges on MBS's ability to navigate these obstacles and create a truly sustainable and inclusive economy. 

The Shadows of Conflict 

While MBS focuses on domestic transformation, the war in Yemen continues to cast a long shadow over his reign. The conflict, now in its eighth year, has resulted in a humanitarian catastrophe, with millions facing famine and displacement. Despite international calls for a ceasefire, MBS has shown no signs of relenting. 

The war in Yemen serves as a stark reminder of the human cost of MBS's foreign policy ambitions. It has also strained Saudi Arabia's relations with Western allies and raised questions about the kingdom's role in regional stability. 

The Road Ahead 

As MBS consolidates his power and prepares to inherit the throne, the world watches with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. He has the potential to be a transformative leader, one who guides Saudi Arabia into a new era of prosperity and openness. But he also faces immense challenges, both at home and abroad. 

The choices MBS makes in the coming years will shape not only the future of his kingdom but also his own legacy. Will he continue on his current path, balancing reform with repression? Or will he heed the calls for greater transparency and respect for human rights? The answers to these questions will determine whether MBS is remembered as a visionary or an autocrat. 

Conclusion: A Legacy in the Balance 

Mohammed bin Salman's reign has been a whirlwind of ambition, reform, and controversy. He has shattered the mold of traditional Saudi leadership, charting a bold course for his kingdom. Yet, his path has been strewn with challenges and contradictions. 

MBS's legacy remains a work in progress, etched in the sands of time. On one hand, he has undeniably ushered in an era of unprecedented change in Saudi Arabia. Social restrictions have eased, women have gained new freedoms, and the economy is diversifying. On the other hand, his rule has been marred by human rights abuses, a brutal war in Yemen, and the chilling assassination of Jamal Khashoggi. 

As MBS stands poised to inherit the throne, the world watches with a mix of hope and trepidation. Will he continue to push the boundaries of reform, or will he succumb to the allure of absolute power? The answers to these questions will shape not only the future of Saudi Arabia but also the broader Middle East and the global community. 

A Pivotal Moment 

The stakes are high. Saudi Arabia, with its vast oil reserves and strategic location, plays a critical role in global affairs. The kingdom's stability and prosperity are vital for regional peace and economic growth. MBS's decisions will have far-reaching consequences, impacting millions of lives both within and beyond Saudi Arabia's borders. 

The world needs a Saudi Arabia that is both strong and just, a nation that respects human rights, promotes regional stability, and contributes to the global community. Whether MBS can deliver on this promise remains to be seen. 

The Path Forward 

The challenges facing MBS are immense. He must navigate a complex geopolitical landscape, balance the demands of a rapidly changing society, and address the lingering scars of past conflicts. He must also confront the international scrutiny that has intensified in the wake of the Khashoggi murder. 

To secure his legacy as a transformative leader, MBS must embrace inclusivity, transparency, and accountability. He must listen to dissenting voices, respect human rights, and prioritize the well-being of his people. He must also work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Yemen and rebuild trust with the international community. 

A Call for Hope 

Despite the challenges, there is reason for cautious optimism. MBS has demonstrated a willingness to adapt and evolve. He has initiated reforms that were once unthinkable in Saudi Arabia. He has also expressed a desire to build bridges with the international community and play a constructive role on the global stage. 

The world must engage with MBS, not isolate him. Constructive dialogue and engagement can encourage him to continue on the path of reform and moderation. By working together, we can help ensure that MBS's legacy is one of progress, not tyranny. 

The Verdict of History 

Ultimately, MBS's legacy will be determined not by his words, but by his actions. History will judge him not only on his achievements but also on the human cost of his ambition. 

Will he be remembered as the visionary who modernized Saudi Arabia or the autocrat who sacrificed human rights and stability on the altar of power? The answer to this question lies in the choices he makes in the years to come. 

The world watches, and history awaits its verdict. 

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