Image Credit - The Hindu

Kalaripayattu Master Sword Granny of Kerala

September 18,2024

Arts And Humanities

Sword Granny: A Legacy Forged in Steel and Determination 

In the heart of Kerala, a southern Indian state renowned for its lush landscapes and vibrant culture, resides a woman who embodies the indomitable spirit of a warrior. Meenakshi Raghavan, affectionately known as “Sword Granny,” is no ordinary octogenarian. At 82, she stands as a revered guardian of Kalaripayattu, India’s oldest martial art, and a beacon of empowerment for women in a society grappling with gender inequality. 

A Life Dedicated to Kalaripayattu 

Every day, within the hallowed halls of the Kadathanad Kalari Sangham school in Vatakara, Kerala, a remarkable transformation takes place. The air, thick with the scent of red dust mixed with medicinal herbs, crackles with anticipation as students, both young and old, gather under the watchful gaze of their remarkable teacher, Sword Granny. 

Raghavan's journey with Kalaripayattu began at the tender age of seven, guided by her father, a man who recognized the importance of self-defense for women in a world often rife with danger. Little did she know then that this ancient art form would become her lifelong passion, shaping not only her destiny but also the lives of countless others. 

It was at her husband's Kalaripayattu school where she honed her skills, eventually marrying the man who would become her partner in both life and martial arts, Raghavan Gurukkal. Founded in 1949, the school stands as a testament to their shared vision – a place where the ancient wisdom of Kalaripayattu could be passed down through generations, empowering individuals and fostering a sense of community. 

Following her husband's passing, Raghavan took the helm, her determination to continue his legacy burning brighter than ever. Under her guidance, the Kadathanad Kalari Sangham school flourished, its reputation for excellence spreading far and wide. 


Image Credit - The Better India

Empowering Women Through Martial Arts 

While Raghavan's mastery of Kalaripayattu is undeniable, it is her unwavering dedication to empowering women that truly sets her apart. She recognizes the vulnerability many women face in Indian society and views Kalaripayattu as more than just a martial art; it's a tool for social change. 

“When young girls and women look at me,” she says, her eyes twinkling with pride, “they feel inspired that if I can do such a thing at this age, so can they at their age.” 

India, unfortunately, bears the grim statistics of violence against women. The National Crime Records Bureau reported a disturbing rise in crimes against women over the past decade. In 2022 alone, police recorded over 445,256 cases, a stark increase of over 30% since 2016. These figures highlight the pressing need for women to possess the skills and confidence to protect themselves. 

Raghavan teaches her female students that Kalaripayattu is not about aggression; it's about self-preservation, discipline, and cultivating an inner strength that transcends physical prowess. Through rigorous training, she equips them with the ability to defend themselves while fostering a sense of self-reliance and empowerment. 

A Legacy Etched in Red Sand 

The heart of the Kadathanad Kalari Sangham school is the "kalari," the training ground, where the red earth bears witness to the dedication and transformation of its students. Here, under Raghavan's watchful eye, students of all ages and backgrounds, but predominantly girls, move with a grace and precision honed through years of disciplined practice. 

“When I train young girls and women,” Raghavan explains, “I keep in mind to teach them Kalaripayattu for its essence and their self-defence.” 

The impact of her teachings extends far beyond self-defense techniques. Kalaripayattu, with its emphasis on discipline, focus, and mental fortitude, instills in her students, especially young girls, a sense of confidence that permeates all aspects of their lives. 

Many of her students, empowered by their training, have gone on to achieve success in various fields, from academics to sports, their martial arts background serving as a solid foundation for personal growth. Raghavan takes immense pride in their accomplishments, seeing in their successes a reflection of the transformative power of Kalaripayattu. 

Bridging Tradition and the Modern World 

While deeply rooted in tradition, Raghavan is not averse to embracing modernity. Recognizing the power of technology, she has embraced social media as a platform to share her story and inspire others. Her online presence has attracted students from all walks of life, including those from different countries eager to learn from the legendary Sword Granny. 

“I also have special groups with people coming from different countries who seek one-on-one training,” she says, her voice filled with pride. 

This blend of tradition and modernity is central to Raghavan's approach to teaching. She understands that to remain relevant and accessible, Kalaripayattu must adapt to the changing times. However, she also stresses the importance of preserving the core values and principles that make this martial art so unique. 

The Essence of Kalaripayattu 

Kalaripayattu, often referred to as the "mother of all martial arts," is more than just a fighting style; it's a holistic practice encompassing physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines. 

The origins of Kalaripayattu can be traced back almost 5,000 years to the ancient southern Indian state of Kerala. The word itself is thought to have originated from the Malayalam words "Kalari," meaning "battlefield," and "Payattu," meaning "practice" or "fight." Legends abound regarding its origins, with some linking it to ancient Hindu epics like the Mahabharata, where warriors honed their skills in secretive training grounds. 

Over the centuries, Kalaripayattu evolved into a comprehensive system of combat, incorporating elements of yoga, Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine), and meditation. Its techniques encompass a wide array of weaponry, including swords, daggers, staves, and flexible swords. 

During the British colonial period, Kalaripayattu faced suppression and near extinction. The British, threatened by its potential for resistance, imposed a ban on its practice in 1804. However, the art form survived, kept alive in secrecy by dedicated practitioners who passed down their knowledge through generations. 

A Resurgence of Tradition 

Following India's independence in 1947, Kalaripayattu experienced a revival, its cultural and historical significance recognized and celebrated. Today, it enjoys a renewed popularity, not only in India but also globally, attracting practitioners drawn to its unique blend of combat skills, fitness, and self-discovery. 

The resurgence of Kalaripayattu can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, there's a growing awareness of the importance of preserving traditional Indian art forms. Secondly, the fitness benefits of Kalaripayattu, with its emphasis on flexibility, strength, and coordination, have attracted a new generation of enthusiasts seeking holistic well-being. Thirdly, the rise of self-defense awareness, particularly among women, has led many to seek empowerment through martial arts. 

Raghavan, with her unwavering dedication and passion for Kalaripayattu, has played a pivotal role in this resurgence. Her school has become a sanctuary for those seeking to connect with their cultural heritage and embark on a journey of self-discovery. 

Her tireless efforts have not gone unnoticed. In recognition of her contributions to the preservation and promotion of Kalaripayattu, Raghavan has received numerous awards and accolades. 

She has been featured in documentaries, news articles, and social media platforms, inspiring people worldwide with her story of resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to her art. 

More Than Just Self-Defense 

Yet, for Raghavan, the true reward lies not in the accolades but in witnessing the transformative power of Kalaripayattu in her students’ lives. She sees them blossom, not just as martial artists, but as individuals empowered with self-belief, discipline, and a deep connection to their cultural heritage. 

She emphasizes that the benefits of Kalaripayattu extend far beyond the physical realm. The rigorous training regimen, she explains, cultivates mental focus, emotional balance, and a heightened sense of self-awareness. 

“Kalaripayattu teaches you not only how to defend yourself from physical attacks,” she explains, “but also how to navigate the challenges of life with courage and resilience.” 

Her students, both young and old, attest to the positive impact Kalaripayattu has had on their lives. Many speak of increased confidence, improved concentration, and a greater sense of well-being. For some, the school has become a second home, a place where they feel a sense of belonging and purpose. 


Image Credit - The Better India

A Global Legacy 

Raghavan's influence extends far beyond the confines of her school in Kerala. Through workshops, demonstrations, and online training sessions, she has shared her knowledge and passion for Kalaripayattu with students across India and around the world. Her story has resonated with people from all walks of life, transcending geographical boundaries and cultural differences. 

Her dedication to preserving and promoting Kalaripayattu has also garnered recognition from prestigious institutions and organizations worldwide. She has been invited to speak at international seminars and conferences, sharing her insights on the art form and its relevance in the modern world. 

Raghavan's dedication to Kalaripayattu is not merely about preserving an ancient tradition; it’s about ensuring its continued relevance and accessibility in the 21st century. She understands that for Kalaripayattu to thrive, it must adapt to the changing times while staying true to its core principles. 

A Living Legend 

In a world often obsessed with youth and novelty, Meenakshi Raghavan stands as a testament to the enduring power of tradition and the indomitable spirit of the human will. Her story is a powerful reminder that age is no barrier to pursuing one’s passions and making a difference in the world. 

Sword Granny’s legacy, however, extends far beyond her personal achievements. She is a symbol of female empowerment, a shining example for women and girls across India and beyond who dare to challenge societal norms and pursue their dreams. 

Her life story is a compelling narrative of resilience, determination, and an unwavering commitment to preserving a cultural heritage for future generations. 

She stands as a testament to the fact that within each of us lies the potential for greatness, waiting to be unlocked. Her journey is an inspiration, urging us to embrace our passions, defy limitations, and strive to leave the world a better place than we found it. 

The Future of Kalaripayattu 

As Sword Granny gracefully maneuvers through the intricate movements of Kalaripayattu, her eyes reflect a deep wisdom, a wisdom accumulated over decades of dedicated practice and unwavering commitment. But it’s the future of this ancient art form that truly captures her attention. 

Raghavan recognizes the challenges facing traditional art forms like Kalaripayattu in an increasingly globalized and technology-driven world. She understands that to remain relevant and attract younger generations, Kalaripayattu must evolve while staying true to its roots. 

To this end, she has been instrumental in incorporating modern training methods and equipment into her school’s curriculum. She encourages her students to use technology to their advantage, whether it’s through online learning platforms, social media engagement, or video analysis of their techniques. 

However, she also stresses the importance of preserving the traditional values and philosophies that underpin Kalaripayattu. She instills in her students a deep respect for the art form’s history, its connection to nature, and its emphasis on holistic well-being. 

A Ripple Effect of Empowerment 

Raghavan's vision extends beyond the physical practice of Kalaripayattu. She believes that the true power of martial arts lies in its ability to empower individuals and communities. She sees Kalaripayattu as a tool for social change, particularly for women and marginalized groups. 

“When you empower a woman,” she often says, “you empower a family, a community, a society.” 

Her school offers scholarships and financial assistance to underprivileged students, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to learn and benefit from Kalaripayattu. She also conducts self-defense workshops specifically designed for women and girls, equipping them with the skills and confidence to navigate potentially dangerous situations. 

Through her unwavering dedication and innovative approach, Sword Granny is ensuring that the legacy of Kalaripayattu continues to thrive, empowering generations to come. 

A Global Ambassador 

Word of Sword Granny’s remarkable skills and inspiring story has spread far beyond the borders of India. Documentary filmmakers, journalists, and martial arts enthusiasts from around the globe have made the pilgrimage to Kerala, eager to witness her mastery of Kalaripayattu and hear her inspiring story firsthand. 

She has been featured in numerous documentaries and news articles, her image gracing the pages of prestigious publications worldwide. Her story has resonated with people from all walks of life, transcending cultural differences and language barriers. 

Through her global exposure, Raghavan has become an ambassador for Kalaripayattu, showcasing the beauty and power of this ancient art form to a global audience. She has been invited to conduct workshops and demonstrations in countries far and wide, sharing her knowledge and passion with a new generation of practitioners. 

Her travels have not only broadened the reach of Kalaripayattu but have also enriched her own understanding and appreciation of the art form. She sees the growing global interest in Kalaripayattu as a testament to its enduring relevance and its potential to bridge cultural divides. 

A Life Well Lived 

As the sun sets over the palm-fringed landscapes of Kerala, casting long shadows across the training grounds of the Kadathanad Kalari Sangham school, Meenakshi Raghavan, Sword Granny, reflects on a life well lived. Her journey, though not without its challenges, has been one of unwavering dedication, boundless passion, and an unyielding commitment to empowering others. 

She has witnessed firsthand the transformative power of Kalaripayattu, not only in her own life but in the lives of countless others she has touched through her teaching. She has seen fear replaced with confidence, vulnerability transformed into strength, and self-doubt giving way to unwavering self-belief. 

Her legacy, etched in the red earth of the Kalari and the hearts of her students, is a testament to the indomitable spirit that resides within us all. She reminds us that age is no barrier to pursuing our passions, that limitations are self-imposed, and that one person’s determination can indeed make a difference in the world. 


Meenakshi Raghavan's story is a beacon of inspiration, illuminating the path for those seeking to live a life filled with purpose and meaning. It's a story about the power of tradition to transcend time, the importance of preserving our cultural heritage, and the transformative potential of martial arts. 

Sword Granny's legacy extends far beyond the realm of physical combat. She embodies the spirit of resilience, the pursuit of excellence, and the unwavering belief in the power of empowerment. Her journey reminds us that within each of us lies a warrior waiting to be awakened, a warrior capable of overcoming adversity, breaking down barriers, and leaving the world a better place than we found it. 

In a world often plagued by uncertainty and division, her story offers a message of hope, reminding us of the enduring strength of the human spirit and the power of tradition to unite and inspire. As long as there are individuals like Meenakshi Raghavan, dedicated to preserving and sharing the wisdom of ancient practices like Kalaripayattu, the flame of hope will continue to burn brightly, illuminating the path toward a more just and equitable world for generations to come. 

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