Anxiety Management Strategies

January 27,2020

Mental Health

Anxiety management strategies

Do you struggle with anxiety? Anxiety is a feeling of unease and it can come in different forms such as excessive nervousness, fear or worry. Everyone experience this feeling of lowness at some point of life. It is normal to experience anxiety, but it should be treated if you are frequently enslaved by it. Treatment methods works differently on different individuals. A few strategies for relieving from anxiety is given below.

10 strategies to try:

Slow breathing

Your respiratory system functions at high rate when you are in anxious state. You may feel louder and faster heartbeat, and experience a not very smooth breathing process. Try to calm down this process by taking a deep breath for a few seconds and then breathing out slowly. Count from one to three while inhaling and exhaling, and repeat.

Progressive muscle relaxation

Pick out a peaceful area to exercise. Work on your muscles by continuous tensing and relaxing. Keep your eyes closed and concentrate on every single muscle from toes to head. This step relieves muscle tension. 

Stay in the present moment

Mindfulness is an important element for achieving a stable mental health. It’s all about training the mind to live in the present so that we can have a happy simple life. All this can be achieved by a daily meditation of few minutes. 

Live Healthily

Try to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle. Shift to a stress-free environment or go on a vacation with friends and family or do fun activities that you love. The key is to get involved in an activity that distracts you. A healthy mind lives in a healthy body, therefore often do exercise and consume healthy foods.

Take small acts of bravery

The only way to get rid of fear or anxiety is to face it. It may sound hard, but make it happen -by taking baby steps one by one. And after a while, your anxiety will naturally lessen. It is normal that you don’t want to face anything that makes you anxious. However, avoidance prevents you from learning that the things you fear are not as dangerous as you think.

Challenge your self-talk

There is a strong connection between the way you think and the way you feel. Approach the situation in a different perspective so as to lessen your anxiousness. You might be stuck in the darker side of the story. Switch into the positive side and study the fact that your thoughts are actually right or not. It must be you, who is making it a worst-case scenario.

Plan worry time

It can be unpractical to get rid of your worries completely. Sit down, take your time to think about and clean the trash in your head. Schedule a ‘worry time’, at least ten minutes every day or every weekend, to clear the mess so that your mind is stress-free for rest of the hours.

Learn to manage your stress

It may seem that there’s nothing you can do about your stress level. Stress management requires time and patience. A stress diary can help you find the regular stressors in your life and the way you deal with them. Every time you become stressed, keep track of it in your diary. As you keep a daily log, you will begin to see common themes and patterns.

Learn from Others

Communicate with people feeling the same way or experiencing a similar state of mind. You may use online forums to connect with people. Interacting with persons having same mental illness can help you feel less alone and to know more about the stage you are dealing with.

Be kind to yourself

Anxiety is a temporary emotion experienced by everyone. It can be cured. You are not less than anyone. Having this realization itself cures a lot of your anxiety.

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