Who Is A Forensic Scientist?

September 16,2021


Who Is A Forensic Scientist
A forensic scientist helps in investigations by analysing the proofs from the crime scene scientifically. Forensic science deals with the analysis of proof and objects that are found in a crime scene. Forensic scientists learn about chemistry, biology, and some other skills that enable them to study proof and materials from the crime scene. The work of a forensic scientist extends from criminal cases and to civil proceedings sometimes. Forensic scientists search for clues that could help the court establish proof for or against a particular case.

Forensic scientists find out contact traces and materials associated with the crime. They search for materials like body fluids and blood, hair and nails, pieces of clothes or fibres, fragments of glass and paint, marks of tyres, flammable substances and chemicals used to initiate a fire or an explosion. The duty of a forensic scientist extends from finding the evidence to establishing its validity in the context of a case. There are various branches of forensic science, and they vary based on the type of material they deal with.

Types of forensic scientists:
The first category of forensic scientists deals with the analysis of substances based on their chemical properties. They work with crimes like arson and burglary. Analysing substances like chemicals and paint from the crime scenes and reconstruction of accidents are among the fields they deal with.

The second category of forensic scientists helps in investigating the proof based on their biological nature. This includes contact traces and analysis of DNA and proofs such as hair, nails and wounds. Sometimes they are associated with finding traces like fibres of clothes from a victim's body or on a body from the crime scene. They are associated with investigations in cases like murder, rape and assault.

The third category of forensic scientists deals with the detection of illegal drugs and alcohol. Analysing body samples and blood to detect illegal drugs and to detect the presence of alcohol is carried out by this category of forensic scientists.

The job of a forensic scientist:
A forensic scientist has a fascinating job. This job includes tasks like analysing laboratory samples like drugs, paint, glass, body fluids and hair, conducting processes like genetic fingerprinting, infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, electron microscopy, and high-performance liquid and gas chromatography work carried out a forensic scientist.Sorting evidence and finding out proofs are the most important jobs a forensic scientist has to do. A forensic scientist goes to a crime or an accident to find evidence and traces that establish facts. A forensic scientist who works freelance has to communicate well with the authorities to help them establish and figure out evidence and proof.
Significant knowledge in operating a computer and organising data is helpful for the job of a forensic scientist. Forensic scientists make reports stating facts and establishing them with the support of evidence analysed by the laboratories and ready to be presented before the court. Depending on the cases and evidence, a forensic scientist will have to decide on an effective manner for analysing proofs and other materials.While the job of some forensic scientists is in the field, some other forensic scientists work in the lab to study materials.

Even though the job of a forensic scientist is a regular full-time day job, sometimes it could extend to the nights and the weekends. A forensic scientist has to be ready to present themself at the crime or an accident scene in short notice. The job and location could vary tremendously depending on the case, and the familiar places a forensic scientist works at are the labs, the court, and the crime and accident scenes. Even though the work of a forensic scientist appears attractive, sometimes it could get hectic, boring, and tiresome.

This job can get tedious and tiresome while the evidence is presented before the court of law. A forensic scientist will have to defend their evidence against the other evidence presented by the forensic scientist on the other side. A forensic scientist has to take necessary precautions to prevent the crime scene from getting contaminated while keeping him or herself from any harmful objects from the crime or an accident scene. Depending on the cases, the duration of examination and survey could vary. It could be anything from several hours to weeks and months.

This demands forensic scientists to be patient while collecting evidence. Forensic scientists have to wear protective clothing to prevent the contamination of the proof and the crime scene and protect them from any potential hazard.

Job as a forensic scientist demands one to be willing to travel on short notice. This job requires a formal degree in chemistry or sciences related to biology or a forensic science degree. Qualification requirements vary depending on the specialisation one opts for. A degree in geology or statistics could be helpful in some cases for certain branches in forensic sciences.
Recently there's been a phenomenal increase in the number of universities that provide degrees in forensic science. The syllabus varies depending on the universities, and not all of the courses provide the same subjects. This makes it essential to make the right choice of a university depending on the specialisation one desires. The choice of a course has to be made, keeping the focus and the acquisition of necessary skills in mind.
There's a high demand for jobs in forensic science, and competition in the field is more for this reason. A master's degree or a PhD gives a candidate an edge over the others competing in the field. A Master's degree in subjects like anthropology or archaeology is helpful in many cases. Most of the applicants for assistant forensic scientist posts have a first degree these days.
Skills required:
Like every other job, a job as a forensic scientist requires a set of skills and some of them are acquired over time while others are practical skills that we're to sharpen to fit the requirements.
Skills that help in problem-solving are vital for a job as a forensic scientist. The job done by a forensic scientist is fundamentally solving cases and helping with them. Specific skills like logical and rational reasoning and concluding the in-depth analysis of specific situations is essential. Attending to the details becomes the key to solving mysteries in many situations, and this requires patience and willingness to inquire over a thing with curiosity. While working on a case, a forensic scientist has to keep in mind the significance of details and their impact. The approach to a case and details being methodical and unbiased could be helpful too.
The nature of a forensic scientist's job varies from time to time, and some cases require working in teams while others demand working with various aspects of the case as individuals. Willingness to adapt to the situations and understand the roles within a team are keys to excel while working with a team. Following deadlines and working at a pace required by the higher authorities like the police or the court is essential for a forensic scientist. One must have good colour vision, which is crucial since the work is around a lab and with potentially proof materials.
While the former part of the job requires the skills mentioned above to analyse proofs and the materials associated with the case, the latter requires good communication skills. Proving and establishing court proof is nearly impossible without essential skills to communicate the mind and the ideas. Some cases require oral communication skills besides the skills associated with a written communication which is vital for creating reports.

Work experience:
It isn't easy to get into a forensic science job without any experience working in related fields. Experience has a crucial role in earning one the selection to a short or long-term forensic scientist project. The experience required for this job is achieved mainly from working in labs at hospitals, research centres, and biological laboratories. An applicant has to enclose proofs that justify their qualification and eligibility with most of the applications.
Jobs vary depending on the agency that provides them. Sometimes, it could be the police and the other government agencies that provide the jobs, while agencies work on a contract basis for government organisations. Qualification requirements and the nature of the job depends on the agency that provides the job. Getting up-to-date with the developments in forensic sciences means a greater chance of getting hired. Joining the CSFS (Chartered Society of Forensic Scientists) as student members help in gaining experience while updating one with the developments in this field.

Job opportunities:
Some agencies hire forensic scientists, and most of them work for departments of law enforcement and the police on contracts, long term and short term.

The most popular agencies in the category are the following.
2.Eurofins Forensic Services
3.Cellmark Forensic Services
4.Key forensic Services
Scottish Police Authority Forensic Services provides specialisations like scene investigation, drug analysis, fingerprints, DNA, biology, and chemistry.
Government law enforcement departments, the police, SC&O, Dstl (Defense, Science & Technology Laboratory), CAST (Centre for Applied Science & Technology), and Forensic Sciences Northern Ireland the other important agencies that provide jobs as forensic scientists.
Regularly keeping an eye on the internet is also helpful since there is no one source of information regarding the openings and other significant updates.
Some universities provide selections associated with employers from the campus. Enquiring the possibilities of campus placements while joining a university could help in this regard.
Forensic science jobs require a certain amount of training before the job, and the nature of training varies based on the job and the associated organisation. Training usually covers the necessary skills for the job that are practical and focused on the work. Follow-ups and training in particular fields are typical of the job of forensic scientists. Most of the training covers the skills required in laboratories like analysing samples, making reports, and writing statements. Training that focuses on safety and health, presentation skills, managing projects, and skills associated with the case proceedings in the courtroom are all parts of the fundamental training.

forensic scientists
Updating regularly is vital for the job, and this facilitates a great workflow. Agencies conduct events and thus provide opportunities for professional development, and the events include seminars, conferences, workshops, and lectures which are helpful tools in updating one with the skills.
It is not easy to earn a job due to the high demand and skills and experience. Promotions to higher posts in the field depend much on the appraisal reports, experience, and responsibility. Newer roles demand willingness to acquire more skills and to do more work. Acquiring skills in the field may take around three to five years, and this experience is required for promotions to a reporting officer and the other posts. The ability to find and handle cases oneself without any help is gained over time and with expertise. Dealing with all aspects of a case is necessary for someone looking forward to going up the ladder. For some instances, dealing with the court and the police could gain this experience, which happens over time.
A casework examiner post requires skills to coordinate more than two cases at a time smoothly. Supervision and coordination are significant in this situation. Examining the evidence, attending the conferences and the events, and deal with the police and the court. Moving up to the managerial position requires focusing on particular fields and growing expertise in that particular domain.

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