Root Cause Analysis course

Root Cause Analysis



Root Cause Analysis Diploma Course

Unlock the potential to solve complex problems and drive continuous improvement in your organisation with our comprehensive Root Cause Analysis course. This online course, meticulously designed for professionals seeking to master the art of identifying and addressing the underlying causes of problems, stands out as a beacon of knowledge in the realm of organisational development. Furthermore, for those aspiring to a higher level of mastery, our Root Cause Analysis Diploma course elevates your expertise, equipping you with the credentials to stand out in your field.

Embarking on this Root Cause Analysis online course, you’ll immerse yourself in the foundational principles of Root Cause Analysis. Initially, you’ll gain a profound understanding of what Root Cause Analysis truly entails. This isn’t just about skimming the surface of issues; it’s about delving deep to unearth the underlying causes that often go unnoticed. As you progress, the course seamlessly transitions into the fundamentals of problem identification. Here, you’ll learn not just to spot problems, but to understand their nature and scope, setting a solid groundwork for effective analysis.

Moreover, the course introduces an array of tools for Root Cause Analysis, each carefully selected to enhance your analytical skills. From fishbone diagrams to the 5 Whys, these tools are not merely theoretical concepts but practical instruments you’ll wield to dissect and understand problems at their core.

Data collection, often overlooked, is an art you’ll master in this course. You’ll discover not just how to gather data, but to ensure its relevance and reliability, ensuring your analysis is grounded in solid evidence. This segues into the meticulous process of analysing the root cause. Here, theory meets practice as you apply your newfound skills to dissect problems, uncovering their roots with precision and clarity.

The journey continues as you learn the intricacies of developing effective solutions. This isn’t about quick fixes but about crafting sustainable, impactful strategies that address the core of the issue. Following this, the course guides you through the implementation of corrective actions. You’ll navigate the complexities of putting theory into practice, ensuring your solutions not only work in theory but thrive in real-world applications.

Verification of effectiveness is a critical step you’ll master, ensuring the solutions you implement deliver the desired outcomes. But the course doesn’t stop there. It goes a step further, teaching you how to sustain improvement, ensuring the changes you make are not just effective but enduring.

Looking ahead, the Root Cause Analysis online course also explores the future of Root Cause Analysis. In a world that’s constantly evolving, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to stay ahead, adapting and evolving your practices to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Each unit of this comprehensive course concludes with a multiple-choice examination. This is more than just a test; it’s an opportunity to consolidate your learning, ensuring you’ve grasped the key concepts of each unit. The immediate availability of results offers a chance to reflect on areas of strength and those needing a second look. With satisfactory results, you move forward, each step bringing you closer to mastering Root Cause Analysis.

Upon completion of the Root Cause Analysis course, or the more advanced Root Cause Analysis Diploma course, you’ll not only have gained a wealth of knowledge but also tangible proof of your expertise. The diploma certificate and academic transcript you’ll receive are not just documents, but a testament to your commitment and skill, ready to be downloaded from your student account at no extra charge.

This Root Cause Analysis online course is more than just an educational journey; it’s a transformative experience designed to empower you to make a real difference in your organisation. Through each carefully crafted unit, from understanding the fundamentals to exploring future trends, you’ll emerge not just as a problem solver, but as a visionary capable of driving continuous improvement.

Embrace the opportunity to elevate your professional capabilities with our Root Cause Analysis course. Whether you’re aiming to enhance your skills with the comprehensive course or aspiring to a higher echelon of expertise with the Diploma, this online course is your gateway to becoming a catalyst for positive change in your organisation.

What you will learn

1:Understanding Root Cause Analysis
2:The Fundamentals of Problem Identification
3:Tools for Root Cause Analysis
4:The Art of Data Collection
5:Analysing the Root Cause
6:Developing Effective Solutions
7:Implementation of Corrective Actions
8:Verification of Effectiveness
9:Sustaining Improvement
10:Future of Root Cause Analysis

Tutor Support

Course Outcomes

After completing the course, you will receive a diploma certificate and an academic transcript from Elearn college.


Each unit concludes with a multiple-choice examination. This exercise will help you recall the major aspects covered in the unit and help you ensure that you have not missed anything important in the unit. The results are readily available, which will help you see your mistakes and look at the topic once again. If the result is satisfactory, it is a green light for you to proceed to the next chapter.


Elearn College is a registered Ed-tech company under the UK Register of Learning( Ref No:10062668). After completing a course, you will be able to download the certificate and the transcript of the course from the website. For the learners who require a hard copy of the certificate and transcript, we will post it for them for an additional charge.

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