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    August 18,2022

    Responsibilities in safeguarding as a responsible citizen

    Introduction to safeguarding Safeguarding refers to measures to protect individuals’ health, well-being, and human rights. It mainly focuses on children, young people, and vulnerable adults. And it aims to help them from abuse, harm, and neglect. Safeguarding is applicable in any circumstance. It includes all the procedures to be safe from any harm. It gives…

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    August 18,2022

    Safeguarding the welfare of children and vulnerable adults

    Introduction to safeguarding the unguarded Unfortunately, abuse is all too common in today’s culture. The most vulnerable individuals are often the victims. A person’s right to live in a safe facility free of violence or abuse is a fundamental human right. Abuse should never follow individuals. But, as a result, training for safeguarding the welfare…

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