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    July 21,2022

    Raising money for charity and its legalities

    Collection of Funds from the Streets  You have seen many organisations and other groups collecting money from the streets in the name of charity. They might be using different ideas to raise money for charity. As a result, you might have wondered what the procedures they follow before going for collection on the street are.…

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    July 21,2022

    Fundraising for charity as a Career

    Fundraising for charity as a Career First, as a charity fundraiser, you need to believe in the aim of your organisation to be able to gather support. This is possible only when the same is broadcasted to the target audience using the right tools. So, your communication skills need to be top-notch. Your core responsibility…

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    July 21,2022

    Charity fundraising: six principles of fundraising

    Process of Fundraising Fundraising or voluntary financial donations is an inevitable process for charity work or non-profitable activities. We get the image of people going around and seeking money when we perceive charity fundraising. Apart from these traditional methods, there are modern ways like online charity fundraising, which became popular recently. It is a responsible…

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